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In the Spinning® program, we live to provide the best indoor cycling experience on the planet. If you’re a Spinning® trained instructor whose certification has lapsed years or want to sharpen your skills, we want to help you to be the best teacher and coach by providing you with exceptional resources and the latest health and exercise science information.
Because technology and exercise science information continue to evolve and change for the better, the first critical step toward being a great instructor is to review and be up-to-date on the skills needed to keep your students engaged, motivated, and on track to achieve their fitness goals.
Time: 8-hour workshop with a Master Instructor via Zoom (9 am - 6 pm including breaks)
Format: Webinar Virtual Workshop via Zoom (required access to an indoor cycle)
What you will receive:
- Spinning® RESET online refresher content modules
- 1 Day Virtual Training with a Spinning® Master Instructor
- Select Master Class Rides
- Access to Online Workshop Manuals
- ✔️ Creating a Journey Ride - CEC Workshop
- ✔️ Mental Training Approach and Skills - CEC Workshop
- Certificates of Completion
- 16 SPIN® CEC's for certified instructors
CEC Workshops Included:
✅ Creating a Journey Ride
The Spinning® program is one of the fitness industry’s leading pioneers in creating experiential exercise. This workshop presents everything you need to know, from A to Z, to create your own journey rides. Set yourself apart from the rest by learning how to design and skillfully present theme rides that bring out your strengths as an instructor while giving your riders a memorable experience that will have your riders coming back for more!
✅ Mental Training: Approach and Skills
As we develop fitness and physical abilities, we also need to sharpen our mental edge for ultimate performance. Learn tools, techniques, and skills to find a center with power, develop complete focus, and practice calmness with strength.
Welcome Back Bonus Extras: Worth up to £115.00!!
- 50% discount code off Certification Renewal once completed
- 10% discount off EMD U.K. Pro membership (conditions apply)*
- £10 towards your PROS:2024 Global Conference 3-day ticket**
- £10 Athleticum Pro Shop Discount**
- 90-day FREE access to SPINNING® APP Plus
* Available to UK instructors only. **(Terms and conditions apply - not in combination with any other offers)
What you will need to prepare prior to the workshop:
- Zoom.us account on your laptop
- Download the workshop outline from the SPINU account on spinning.com once registered.
What you will need to bring to your virtual workshop:
- Computer
- Pen and paper
- Second device (like a phone or tablet)
So, you want to sign up? What do you do now?
Purchase this course (Note: Please use your spinning.com log-in email to register. If you are not registered yet, sign up as a new customer at )
You will be added to the course via your education portal SPINU and receive an invitation and directions in your inbox to join the course within 1 working day.
Want to offer this training to your staff?